Plants and other biological organisms have been creeping into David Williams’ practice of late. Earlier work was marked by a pre-occupation with emergent patterns from the repetition of basic shapes, seemingly logically evolving from painting into generative computer animation. One of the underlying aspects celebrated by both of these practices, however, is their overtly deterministic nature which the artist exploits, deliberately seeking to obscure personal ‘human’ expression, per se. Such ideas are what have led David to seek out non-human collaborators for the creation of new artefacts; to act as an enabler to organisms whose morphogenesis, it could be said, is an expression of their being, their own unique consciousness. Be it branching, sprouting, weaving, pulsating..,or executing, calling, compiling, allocating – both biological and computational entities have their distinctive processes and modes of operation which through the inadequecies of human language we try to make sense of, but which will nonetheless always remain other, alien, recondite and fugitive. David’s current work seeks to build upon such collaborations, with the realisation that one must surrender to such inadequecies whilst at the same time wondering and celebrating the complexity of being in its myriad tentacular forms.